Kennedy Wenz

Aug 2, 20214 min

Summer Travel & Fitness Tips

As we enjoy and relax in these last few summer months before the fall, many of us seek balance and ways to stay fit while enjoying the most out of summer and our travels! While diet and exercise are essential for solid abs and overall fitness, it is not just one or the other. They work harmoniously with nutrition taking about 80% of work and exercise 20%. You can instil many different habits into your routine to ensure you feel your best while living your best life this summer! Below are some gathered expert tips and my personal advice on staying healthy this summer.

Focus on Seasonal Nutrition.

Good nutrition is vital, particularly as the weather warms up and more people enjoy picnics, outdoor cocktails, etc. It is essential to have a plan. While life is too short not to enjoy the summer treats, you should have a plan to fall back on when you return home from vacay and have to resort to home cooking. Eating seasonal is key to staying healthy and energized this summer; start by incorporating fresh summer fruits, like strawberries, avocados and veggies like asparagus, into your diet. Shopping at a local farmers market or bio market can help ensure you're eating seasonally.

While on vacation, you should always try and fully enjoy the traditional foods wherever you are visiting. However, try to stay away from processed foods and added sugars. Artificial sweeteners and additives such as salt can lead to bloating and breakouts. Especially when you travel, you must keep healthy snacks on hand (I love to have nuts and fruit like apples or bananas) to have better options than reaching for that snickers on the airplane snack cart. Just ensure you get various proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats into your diet! Eat the rainbow.

Stay hydrated & Replenish your Electrolytes.

Staying hydrated on the airplane is essential because any form of travel can dehydrate you without you even knowing. That is why it is critical to always keep a water bottle and electrolyte packets on you. They are even excellent for curing your hangover after vacay, of course! I really like these Drip Drop packets you can buy on Amazon. Not keeping hydrated can lead to many issues, even thrombosis, which I have recently experienced from dehydration and travel stress. When leg cramps arise, try magnesium sachets or tablets to release the cramps or clots. Hydration on top of this will also only further improve your condition.

Sleep & Nighttime Routines.

Interestingly enough, sleep is out of style, and rest is often neglected, especially during long summer days. However, it is one of the most critical aspects of your health and stress levels hormones. Sleeping 7-8 hours is optimal for most individuals; I prefer 9 when I can! Having a short nighttime routine, you can perform even when you're away from home will help you unwind. I love to journal for a few minutes or read. Try carrying an essential oil like lavender with you as well to place on your pulse points.

Staying Active & Stretching.

If you want to keep those abs while travelling, you've got to stay active. Choosing to walk to your destinations will only benefit you in the end. You might even come across something unexpected. Walking everywhere helps you get a fuller experience of your destination and saves you money in the future! Looking for local exercise classes is also a fun way to meet locals and see what exercise or sports are popular where you are. Try something new! Recently, I travelled to Marbella and tried out the Gym Real Club Padel, and can I tell you it was amazing! The space was excellent as an indoor-outdoor gym, and my friends and I ended up meeting new people! Popular sports there included paddle tennis, tennis, golf, and hiking.

My Routine: If you're near a gym, focus on hitting weights with a mixture of cardio. I love doing time-effective workouts of 20 to 35 minutes, including a mix of strength training and cardio. Some of my favourites include Sami Clarkes Instagram live workouts and youtube for the whole body and lower body splits. Pamela Reif's youtube workouts are also great for abs and for on the go shorter videos. Growingannanas is another channel of workout videos I've been loving. After every workout, stretch. Keep stretching in your daily routine, even if it is only 5 minutes. I incorporate it into my nighttime routine by stretching before bed to unwind and relieve the days' tension.

Set realistic goals, and stick to them.

Consistency is vital when you start to schedule your habits in your life. It's also helpful to plan out what you want to achieve, how much time you have to do it, and track your progress. To get results, and continue to become the best version of yourself this summer, make sure you can keep putting in the work. The first step is creating a consistent schedule and habits you can maintain even when travelling. Habits can include having an AM and PM routine, getting 7-8 hours of sleep, stretching daily, a minimum step count per day, and taking time to unwind your mental state. Self-care habits are something so necessary to keep you going, especially when you're on the road. Little things like a face mask, reading, or journaling before bed are small but effective habits to nurture yourself.

Don't overdo it.

Finally, and most importantly, recognize that creating healthy habits and progressing takes time. You're not a failure if you don't have a six-pack for the summer (or ever). Spending too much time and effort obsessing can backfire, causing you to feel burnt out. Remember, everything must be in balance. Especially on a vacation or summer trip, live in the moment and really enjoy yourself. Take care and be patient with yourself; accept where you are right now and keep moving forward! Make this last month of summer the best one yet.

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Follow my journey on Instagram: @begorgeousandglobal & @kennedywenz

